
These steps will help you how to use the bridge on Kroma Mainnet.

Note - there is a 7 day withdrawal holding period to bridge funds from Kroma mainnet(L2) to Ethereum mainnet(L1).

To use our bridge, you need some ether and installed Metamask extension.

A blockchain bridge is a protocol that connects two blockchains, enabling interaction between them. It is an essential element that facilitates interoperability between Layer 1 and Layer 2.

Visit the bridge

  • If your wallet connection is successful, the network name and account address to which you are currently connected will be displayed. Next, you can switch to the appropriate network by selecting from the list.

Deposit: from L1 to L2

  • Select $ETH as the token to send to L2 and Enter the amount you want to send. Make sure the 'From Ethereum Mainnet To Kroma Mainnet' information is entered correctly.

  • Click 'Move your funds to Kroma Mainnet'.

  • You can view the transaction you just executed through 'View Your Bridge History'.

Withdraw: from L2 to L1

To withdraw, set the network to Kroma Mainnet, choose 'From Kroma Mainnet To Ethereum Mainnet', and Click 'Move your funds to Etherem Mainnet'. (same steps as for the deposit)

Important Notes

A withdrawal may take up to maximum 1 hour 30 mins to be at a ready-to-prove state. 1 hours and 30 minutes is the maximum amount of time the validator takes in submitting the output root.

Once the 'Prove' button is activated, your withdrawal is at a ready-to-prove state.

After the withdrawal transaction has been proved, there is a 7-day holding period.

A withdrawal is completed once the user "claims" their withdrawal from the bridge after the holding period.

Last updated